
Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring has Sprung!

Its been so busy the last couple of weeks, that I forgot to post some of our latest exciting farming adventures. We have certainly had an early spring this year and the signs are everywhere. One of the most precious... baby bunnies!!!
Every color of the bunny rainbow!!
This is one of my favorites, tan with white spots
Proud Mama bunny
They do take a lot of work, all however many we have now, I've lost count... But this is the best part! soooo cute!

Skaneateles High School Seniors

I've been busy this week making some creations for my lovely Nephew Brandon. It was my pleasure to make some one of a kind creations for his senior class silent auction tomorrow night.

Just a few of the things that I made. Hope they make some money for the class of 2012!!
Similar items will be available at

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mmmmm, Saturday morning cinnamon rolls!

 So last night we had pizza for dinner, homemade of course, pizza is my favorite, but buying it from the shop is a rarity! The kids call it "puffy pizza" because as Ed says its like eating bread with pizza stuff on it! I have found that my cast iron "magic" pan makes the most wonderful pizza, bread, and most other things. There was a small amount of dough left from last night, and as usual, I didn't want it to go to waste, so in the fridge it went. For some leftovers, this may be the point of no return...especially for this... not enough for bread or another pizza....Ahaaaa, warm cinnamony treats for a cold winter morning! YUMM! 

3 Cups warm water ( I use the hottest that comes out of the tap)
4 tsp dry active yeast
4 tsp salt
6 cups all-purpose flour

*Sprinkle yeast over water in a bowl (Ice cream buckets with lids work great, and are perfect for storing leftover dough). Let it sit for a few minutes, then stir until dissolved.
*Stir in salt, and mix in flour ( I add 2 cups at a time mixing by hand so I don't lose count... was that 3 cups or 4??? easy to tell the difference between dough with 2,4, or 6 cups of flour...)
* All set, let it rise, or use it right away, I've done it both ways.

*Sheet Pizza, makes enough dough for 2 sheet pizzas- bake at 425F for about 12 minutes

*Puffy Pizza, makes enough for 2 pizzas, and a little left over , or 4 less puffy pizzas- bake in preheated cast iron pan (warm it up in the oven when you preheat) at 450F for 9 minutes

*Bread - makes 4 small loaves, or 2 large- bake in preheated dutch oven for about 25 minutes depending on loaf size. Tap the loaf, when it sounds hollow, its done.

*Cinnamon rolls- Roll out dough to about 1/4 inch thickness. Spread melted butter over dough, and sprinkle with a mixture of  4 tbsp sugar, and 1 tsp cinnamon. Roll up the dough so you have a long roll and pinch closed.